Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The stylish iPad wearing luxury brand set uniform

LV iPad? TOD'S and iPad? Seemingly not take the side of a combination of a fashion big big, is a widely sought after tablet computer, cooperation between the two will burst out what kind of spark? RecentlyLV, Gucci and etc. all big the iPad effort to build the beautiful coat, finally opened their mystery, with the LV fans and iPad fans to enjoy the feast!
This full TOD'S classic design style. Brown hue School up to the people's favorite color, natural texture of the surface of the cover also demonstrates TOD'S has always been meticulous style.
TOD'S leather smart use it to write the classic design can be seen, this time with the iPad can be described as effortless. This gentle touch leather has a unique leather scent, is a symbol of the finest leather. From leather cut to the hand-sewing, any detail are fully guaranteed beautiful and durable texture of the final product. This cover is no exception. TOD'S quietly reveals the transcendent quality of the top fashion, engaging and practical, able to bear scrutiny, timeless, at any age can become a classic. This will be able to create the cover for IPAD recycling classic, be up to the people another precious collection of things.