Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Laptop Battery luxury accessories provide additional battery life of 14 hours

Life has been a laptop lacks an important performance indicators. For users often need to carry a notebook out of a spare battery basically considered to be one of the must carry accessories. Recently, a parts supplier named Powertraveller launched a powerful battery luxury goods accessories, allegedly for notebook provides 14 hours of additional time.

This product is called a Silverback Gorilla, built-in a staggering 60,000 mA battery, 240 volt AC outlet output, users can also be adjusted according to the minimum of 80 volts (50-60Hz).

The Silverback Gorilla close to 2.5 kg body weight, although not surprising, but this should not have light notebook brings an additional burden. In addition, its price is not cheap, $ 450 (about 2776 yuan), do not know how many laptop users are willing to pay for this additional life of this expenditure

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