Showing posts with label Notebook accessories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notebook accessories. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Laptop Battery luxury accessories provide additional battery life of 14 hours

Life has been a laptop lacks an important performance indicators. For users often need to carry a notebook out of a spare battery basically considered to be one of the must carry accessories. Recently, a parts supplier named Powertraveller launched a powerful battery luxury goods accessories, allegedly for notebook provides 14 hours of additional time.

This product is called a Silverback Gorilla, built-in a staggering 60,000 mA battery, 240 volt AC outlet output, users can also be adjusted according to the minimum of 80 volts (50-60Hz).

The Silverback Gorilla close to 2.5 kg body weight, although not surprising, but this should not have light notebook brings an additional burden. In addition, its price is not cheap, $ 450 (about 2776 yuan), do not know how many laptop users are willing to pay for this additional life of this expenditure